Thursday, May 17, 2007

Busy Busy.

We have been so busy the last week and a half and will be for at least another 2 weeks!!

John's birthday went well, we went out last Friday with friends and had dinner and a few drinks. We all had a great time!!!

Taxes came back! I am now driving a 1994 GMC Safari van. Its great to have reliable vehicle again!! I feel like I am driving a tank though compared to the Kia. I just know that the remote start on it is going to come in very handy this upcoming winter!!!

John's currently gone at seminar for Village green. He should be back tomorrow night. Saturday we are heading to Frankenmuth for the day and then John will get to have his free chicken dinner.

Savannah has an all day field trip on the 23rd (the zoo and science museum). Im thinking of going as a chaperon since I can take Alexis but waiting to see when the funeral is first.

Ok I better explain the funeral. A soldier in Johns unit stepson was killed in Iraq last weekend. The soldier also was in Iraq and got home Tuesday afternoon. The family is holding together as well as can be expected. John and I are going to the funeral as a show of commadere (ok I know I spelled that wrong) to the soldier and his family.

Well thats enough rambling for today, hope that each and everyone of you has a great weekend